
What we do at the Carve-In from 3 participants point of view

Carve-In 2024

As usual, the reminders and preliminaries for the 2024 carve-in were clear and well organised. Arrival and entry at 3pm Friday, followed by room setup for workshop activities.

Pleasantly, we had 4 first timers and the excitement of those able to gather again and share how the year has panned out. All dietary requirements were passed on early, and the food was healthy and well catered. We also reflected on the skills and shared experiences of those who have participated in their last carve-in of 2023.

Show and Tell Friday evening brings an awareness of how creative and responsive carvers can be when faced with unexpected challenges. It’s a ‘warts and all’ experience and liberating for those of who have not had extensive carving experience. Just working at a table with others close by and sharing carving hopes, past experiences and future intentions brings revelations, stories, sources of supplies and cost-effective solutions, techniques, web sites and practical resources.

The range of projects involved personal work, mechanical carving, relief carving, carving in the round, Netsuke, lettering, and whittling. Carl’s help, advice and expertise to improve, included sharpening tools and discussion of techniques and options. It is fascinating to learn what brings us all to become carvers and how it evolves, ceases, and restarts over time.

Evening activities included Ernie’s travel experiences, cards, TV (sport), discussion and relaxation. I particularly like the range of professional level workmanship for tool storage, transport and vehicle fit outs.

We were piped into Sunday morning breakfast with a rousing call from our Scottish Bagpiper in full regalia. A wonderful start to the last day.

After morning tea, a final workshop, team work to clear the decks, cleanup and re-instate the rooms to original condition. Lunch and appreciation to the staff, show and tell, a group photo and departure for home.

Ann Eblen

Comments From a First-timer

I had never been to a Carve-In before although several colleagues at Waverley Woodworkers had been encouraging me to attend for years. Being part of a 25 member group, all passionate about wood carving and willing to exchange their ideas and knowledge, was certainly a worthwhile experience.  The event also motivated me to start a new and relatively large carving. Carl’s skill and sharpening equipment were impressive and although I believed that I knew how to sharpen gouges, he improved my technique a bit more.

Next year I will certainly attend.

Frank Duyker

Carving weekend at Baccus Marsh

I went to the carving weekend with some trepidation.  I hadn’t met any other carvers previously and had been whittling away on my own having taken up the hobby when the covid lockdowns hit.

I was made to feel extremely welcome and comfortable by all the others.  The facilities were great, with your own room to escape to, if you needed a break, and great meals.

Seeing others at work was inspirational, and gave me great hints of different ways to do things.  Different ways to clamp your wood, different carving tools and how to use them, different storage ideas etc. The show and tell each day also let me see some great carvings and inspiration to try different things (I had mostly carved birds).

I joined in with Ernies group and he guided us through the process of carving a bunny.

There were a number of other groups that you can choose to join e.g. power carving, or you can bring your own project to work on.

It was a great weekend and I would recommend it for anyone who would like to further their carving skills and knowledge.
